
Simpson Door Company

Picture Any Door in Your Home

Wonder which Simpson door is right for your home? Take our doors for a test drive, in your home or one like it. Just follow the 3 SIMPLE STEPS to the left. Feel free to go back and forth between the steps, or hit the reset button to start over

Step 1: Select your home image

Select an image from our gallery:


Or upload your own photo. (Images must be jpg files, file size less than 4MB)

Home Exterior Image Home Interior Image Home Exterior Image Home Exterior Image Home Interior Image Home Interior Image Home Exterior Image Home Interior Image Home Exterior Image Home Exterior Image Home Exterior Image Home Exterior Image Home Exterior Image Home Exterior Image Home Interior Image Home Interior Image Home Interior Image Home Exterior Image

Step 3: Click the door image below and drag it onto the image on the left. You can then resize the door by dragging it's corners.